iOS Build Environment Help Center

Starting April 29, 2024, all iOS and iPadOS apps must be built with the iOS 17 SDK or later

append delete Peter3322

How do I update my SDK to 17? Thank you in advance

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append delete #1. Pierre-Marie Baty


Simply run the Migration Assistant again using a Mac with a recent enough Xcode on it.

If your Mac is too old to support the latest Xcode, no problem: download it from, unzip it and put the resulting in your Applications folder, despite the grey barred circle sign on it. The Migration Assistant won’t argue and will just pick up the files it needs from it.

append delete #2. Peter3322

Awesome, I will do that. Thank you!

append delete #3. Pierre-Marie Baty

You’re welcome. Happy building !


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Moderators: Pierre-Marie Baty