iOS Build Environment Help Center

private key not found

append delete angelo

Windows : 11
builder : last one

the key chain toot not found private key and in the listbox the private key is not attribut
can you help me to figure out this pls

:: @angelo added on 23 Dec ’23 · 18:17

ps : and the private key in the folder keychain is empty

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append delete #1. Pierre-Marie Baty

The Migration assistant offers to migrate your existing signing identity, *at the condition that you give it your macOS session password* to access the Mac's secured keychain, in which your private keys are stored. If you declined to give it your session password, the Migration assistant won't be able to migrate your private keys. You'll only get useless certificates and provisioning profiles, because without their associated private key nobody can use them to sign anything.

This information was already given in the forum.

Next time, please include the necessary required information to your request. "last one" is not a version number. People who read your post next month or next year will have no idea which version number you're talking about.

append delete #2. angelo

sorry my bad for the version : 3.57

I give the access to to the migrate assistance but i got the same issus with the private key empty.
So i tried to do it manually by exporting the profile and certicat from Xcode and re-import it in the key chain tool and it work but after installing my game in my phone, when i click on the game thats say me "installation impossible try later ".

i don't know whats i do wrong because i follow every things.

:: @angelo added on 23 Dec ’23 · 23:33

edit : i use free certificat from xcode

append delete #3. Pierre-Marie Baty

OTA deployment (over WiFi) isn’t allowed by Apple with free Xcode certificates. To deploy such apps you must use iTunes and the IPA side loading method.

I recommend that you use a paid certificate from the Apple developer program instead. The documentation explains why.


(Leave this as-is, it’s a trap!)

There is no need to “register”, just enter the same name + password of your choice every time.

Pro tip: Use markup to add links, quotes and more.

Moderators: Pierre-Marie Baty