iOS Build Environment Help Center

IPA copy tool available separately?

append delete Brett2

Since I can't do builds on Windows anymore, I'm wondering if I can use your IPA copy tool that comes up when a build is successful?

I just want to distribute the IPA I created on my mac to my local devices via WIFI. Is it possible to separate that copy tool out from the build process?


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append delete #1. Pierre-Marie Baty


Sure, it's a self-contained Windows executable: ideployota.exe

No dependencies, no specific installation required. Just drag and drop your IPA file over this executable.

You said you can't do builds on Windows anymore, please remember me why is that ?

append delete #2. Brett2

Oh that's great! I'll use the ideployota.exe to copy my IPA to my devices.

I can't build on windows anymore because of the 'pch-cpp.hpp' file not found unity bug:

append delete #3. Pierre-Marie Baty

Oh I see. Too bad I can't do much about this one. I hope it'll be fixed in the next version of the Windows variant of the Unity il2cpp compiler.


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Moderators: Pierre-Marie Baty