iOS Build Environment Help Center

Auto Deployment via USB cable

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I was wondering if I could auto-install the app (ipa) after a successful build and automatically boot it on the device (like it does from xCode). I have successfully installed iTunes and can see system logs in the remove console. I assume this could be possible since iTunes can do it.

Is this possible and if so are there any plans to support it?

The reason why I am asking is that during development I do deploy often and have to lift the device out of its stand and hold towards the QR code to install. It is a bit tiresome if done often.

Thank you

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append delete #1. Pierre-Marie Baty

If I recall well there's an open source project called libimobiledevice ( that does just that. I haven't integrated their code into my build chain though. It's made for Linux and I don't know if it could compile on Windows, it's likely some porting would be needed (when they say "cross-platform" you usually have to understand "cross-POSIX platform"). But perhaps there are Win32 binaries available somewhere - that's the toolset most jailbreak tools use under the hood. Please post back if you give it a try, I'll be interested in your feedback.


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Moderators: Pierre-Marie Baty