iOS Build Environment Help Center

App Store Upload tool - display build numbers

append delete kroecks

Recently I was uploading a build that I thought was working particularly well, but I forgot to verify what was in the Player Settings of Unity.

This resulted in my uploading a build with Version 1.0.9, but Build # 0.

I'm pretty sure Apple is picky about that second number, so now I have to increment the version code again to build against the correct build number.

If the Uploader or even the iOS builder told you what your current version numbers were, it could avoid accidentally sending the wrong version numbers. The XCode archive window showing these details saved me uploading the wrong versions multiple times, and it'd be cool to see it here too :)

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append delete #1. Pierre-Marie Baty

Astonishing I haven't thought about that before.

Something like this ?

append delete #2. kroecks

Hey! Sorry for the delayed response...
I've just now got around to having a build worth submitting again lol.

Anyway, yes, this is great.
Now if you could allow setting the values explicitly, this would be perfect.

One note;
In Unity, the Version is "1.2.0". There's also a "Build Number" that is just an integer like 12.
This executable has "Version String" as the 12 number, and "Short Version String" as the actual "1.2.0" version number.
It would be confused to leave them that way.

I hate having to rebuild everything just because I forgot to change one of the numbers.

I'm trying to keep the ios project's build number consistent with the other platforms, or else I'd take advantage of the automatic revisioning :(

append delete #3. Pierre-Marie Baty


Version 3.51 has what you want. The "build number" (CFBundleVersion) and "version number" (CFBundleShortVersionString) keys in the Info.plist are now separated ; automatic versioning only affects the build number now.


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Moderators: Pierre-Marie Baty