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RE[3]: fatal error: could not build module 'Foundation', error: redefinition of module 'libxml2', and more

Pierre-Marie Baty

Okay. This one is a "false positive", i.e. the dependency tool should not print that. Thank you for signaling me this problem. The reason is that a dynamic library used by your game claims a dependency on files at certain paths. But because on iOS, paths like xxxxx.framework/Versions/A/xxxxx are in fact a "symbolic link" to the xxxxx.framework/xxxxx files, and because on Windows, the iOS SDK is extracted without these symbolic links, such a dependency check fails.

I have added a test case in the validatedeps.exe tool so that it redirects those checks to the right place. Please download this fixed version from the URL below and put it in the builder's Toolchain directory, overwriting the old one. Then rebuild and let me know if the problem is solved.

Updated dependency checker:

Moderators: Pierre-Marie Baty