iOS Build Environment Help Center


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Linking UnityFramework... ld64.lld: error: framework not found for -framework CoreAudioTypes


Windows 11 Home 22H2
Builder 3.60.2
iOS SDK 17.2
Error log:

Hello. Hope you're doing well.

I encountered this error while trying to build an AR app that uses ARFoundation. When I built it from my friends' Macbook, there was no error then. But when I built it using this iOS builder, it gave my library not found error (CoreAudioTypes). I found library not found error threads on this forum but not one for CoreAudioTypes so I was hoping you could help.

Thank you.

:: @Adit added on 08 Feb ’24 · 13:37

Sorry for the deleted replies but I fixed the above error by re-migrating the But now there's a new error: Symbols not found for architecture arm64

Error log:

:: @Adit added on 08 Feb ’24 · 15:09

Turns out, it wasn't the remigration of that fixed it. The error is still the same, it's just that I had checked the "Try to fix unresolved symbols automatically" checkbox. This was there in that error:

ld: warning: Could not find or use auto-linked framework 'CoreAudioTypes'

Moderators: Pierre-Marie Baty