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Firebase swift dependency


Windows 10
Unity 2021.3.5f1
Builder 3.50.1
iOS SDK 15


I just updated Unity, the Firebase sdk, Xcode, and the project builder. Looks like Firebase will no longer build using Cocoapods. Below is the end of the build log

Recommended solution? Can I use static libraries for Firebase and Cocoapods for everything else?


Building the CocoaPods dependency project FirebaseCoreInternal...
+ Preparing output directory...
+ XCFrameworks: 11 supplied
+ Libraries: 5 supplied, 0 built
+ Frameworks: 0 supplied, 4 built
+ Pre-parsing project files...
+ Building FirebaseCoreInternal for iphoneos (configuration: Release)
+ [arm64] Compiling Pods/FirebaseCoreInternal/FirebaseCore/Internal/Sources/HeartbeatLogging/_ObjC_HeartbeatController.swift...
error: your project contains code written in the Swift language, but the Swift compiler hasn't been ported to Windows yet.
Possible workarounds:
- If this source file is part of a third-party dependency, look for an Objective-C/C++ only version of that dependency and use it instead.
- If this source file is part of your project itself, rewrite it in C, C++, Objective-C or Objective-C++.

:: @TopCog added on 01 Jul ’22 · 20:29

(I just realized that the thread before mine is a very similar issue. Note that I am building with Firebase 9.1.0. After trying to add frameworks manually, getting it to build, but then crash instantly on startup, I'm trying a rollback to Firebase 9.0.0 next.)

:: @TopCog added on 01 Jul ’22 · 22:26

I was able to build and get it running by using Firebase v8.10.0! So it seems that the issues are related to the newer Firebase 9.0 branch.

Moderators: Pierre-Marie Baty